Violation of DUI Probation in Tampa, FL

Your Future is Too Important to Risk

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When you are arrested and charged for DUI, you may be able to get probation for your sentence, depending on the circumstances, or it may be part of your sentence that includes certain steps you must complete or adhere to until the terms of your probation are met. This time period can be from 6 months to 1 year. If you have violated your DUI probation, consult with a DUI defense attorney in Tampa right away, as there may be a bench warrant issued for your arrest.

Terms of DUI Probation in FL

Following a DUI conviction, some of the terms you may be required to meet are restricted driving, completing an alcohol abuse class, paying certain fines or not driving for a set number of days. If you fail to meet the terms of the probation, your probation officer may request from a judge that a no bond warrant be issued for your arrest. A knowledgeable DUI defense attorney in Tampa, FL from our office can take the necessary defensive steps to avoid your going to jail and facing other penalties by filing a motion to surrender.

Choose the Advocacy of Taracks & Associates

At Taracks & Associates, our Tampa DUI probation violation attorney has successfully helped numerous clients with their probation violations in Tampa. With over 30 years of experience, our legal team will work diligently to get the probation violation resolved so that a bench warrant is not issued for you and you do not end up in jail.

Don’t risk a lengthy jail term or further suspension of your license and additional fines for failing to take action when you have violated the terms of your probation. By taking proactive steps in contacting our office, we may be able to help you avoid the serious consequences of a DUI probation violation. When you have violated your DUI probation, contact a Tampa DUI probation violation attorney immediately.

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    Tampa Attorney Barry Taracks