Former Tampa Bay Ray Elijah Dukes has been arrested yet again – this time for driving on a suspended license. Dukes was arrested on I-75 on Easter Sunday near the MLK exit. Since 2003, Dukes has been arrested seven times.
Are you concerned that your driver license might be suspended or revoked? Visit and type in your Florida Driver License number in order to find out what the status of your license is. If your license is in fact suspended or revoked, call the law firm of Taracks & Associates today for a free consultation. A criminal defense lawyer with our firm will walk you through the process of how to get your license reinstated. It is important that you do not drive on a suspended or revoked license – there is a serious chance that you will face jail time if caught.
If you are stopped and cited for Driving While License Suspended (DWLS) you should call an experienced Tampa traffic attorney today to review your options. Whether you were driving with a suspended, revoked, or canceled license, you must take action today to avoid serious legal consequences. There are several factors that impact how DWLS might affect you. For the first offense, where you were unaware of the suspension, you face a civil misdemeanor. If you are found guilty of driving on a suspended license with knowledge, you can face up to 60 days in jail! With each subsequent offense jail time increases and you may even be charged with a felony. Call a lawyer at Taracks & Associates at 813-281-2897 today for a free consultation. A member of our staff will explain your responsibilities and options and will help you take action to avoid legal consequences if possible.
Taracks & Associates – The Advocate For You.