Year: 2024

Florida Marijuana Laws (2024)

While marijuana is illegal under federal laws, it’s legal in 38 states for medical purposes and 24 states as a recreational drug. Florida is one of the states that endorses medical marijuana. However, it is a crime for individuals to use marijuana recreationally in the state. Have you been arrested or charged with marijuana-related offenses? […]

What Is the Difference between Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse?

Sexual Assault vs. Sexual Abuse in Florida In Florida, sexual offenses include a wide array of criminal behaviors involving non-consensual sexual acts. According to state law, these offenses are characterized by various actions including sexual abuse and assaults. However, the terms “sexual assault” and “sexual abuse” are often used interchangeably. For anyone facing these charges […]

Penalties for Possession of Marijuana under 20 Grams in Florida

Understanding the Consequences of Possessing Small-Quantity Cannabis in Florida Florida Statutes Chapter 893 highlights the state’s position on drug possession. Per its provisions, the use of controlled substances such as marijuana (cannabis) for medical purposes is legal. However, it criminalizes possession of marijuana as a recreational drug, setting out steep penalties for the offense. Astonishingly, […]

How Blood Test Evidence Is Used in Florida DUI Cases

Understanding DUI Blood Test Evidence in Florida In Florida, operating a vehicle beyond the legal minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% constitutes a DUI. BAC is often determined by a series of tests such as breath, blood, urine, and breathalyzer tests. Blood tests are generally viewed as the most accurate of the tests. So, […]

What is Actual Physical Control in DUI Cases?

A Comprehensive Guide to DUI & Actual Physical Control in Florida If you possess a Florida driver’s license, you probably already know a few things about DUI charges. First, DUI is an acronym for Driving Under the Influence (of drugs and alcohol), a serious offense with steep penalties. Second, a DUI is committed when the […]

DUI Fines in Florida

Understanding the Financial Cost of a Florida DUI Conviction What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the consequences of a DUI conviction in Florida? If your answer includes jail term, mandatory license suspension, and probation, you’re absolutely right. However, while these are typical penalties associated with Florida DUI, it’s easy […]

Reducing a DUI Charge to Reckless Driving in Florida

How to Mitigate a Florida DUI Charge In Florida, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a very serious crime. If convicted, you stand the risk of jail term, fines, license suspension, and other steep penalties. Unfortunately, that’s not all. You may have a hard time finding employment and securing affordable insurance premiums. […]

Subpoenaed for Medical Records of BAC? Know Your Rights.

Learn What to Do after a Subpoena for BAC Medical Records in Florida Are you a suspect in a Florida DUI case? Then, chances are that the prosecution is doing everything they can to gather solid evidence to prove your guilt. This may include reviewing witness testimonies, analyzing physical evidence, and obtaining video footage from […]

Does a DUI Put Points on Your License in Florida?

Know Whether a DUI Adds Points to Your License in Florida Imagine you’re driving in Florida, maybe on your way home from a night out. Everything seems fine until you suddenly notice those flashing lights in your rearview mirror. Your heart races—you’ve had a few drinks and are getting pulled over. In that tense moment, […]

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